Error Handling ============== WebApi_ gives you a way to raise errors in your handler using :code:`raise`. The following handler is an example that raises a 404 error :: instance ApiHandler MyApiImpl GET User where handler _ req = do hasUser <- isUserInDB if (hasUser) then respond (UserToken "Foo" "Bar") else raise status404 () :code:`raise` takes two arguments. First one is the status code which we need to send with the :code:`Response`. Second argument is of type :code:`ApiErr m r` which defaults to Unit :code:`()`. If you want to send some additional information with your error response, you can write a data type for error and specify that as :code:`ApiErr` in your contract. An example, :: data Error = Error { error :: Text } deriving (Show, Generic) instance ToJSON Error instance ParamErrToApiErr Error where toApiErr errs = Error (toApiErr errs) instance ApiContract MyApiService POST User where type FormParam POST User = UserData type ApiOut POST User = UserToken type ApiErr POST User = Error Any type which you associate with :code:`ApiErr`, should have a :code:`ParamErrToApiErr` instance. This is needed for :code:`WebApi` to map all the failures to this type. Also based on :code:`ContentType` set in the contract (which defaults to :code:`JSON`), we need to give the required instance. In this case it is :code:`ToJSON`. .. _WebApi: