Content Serialization / Deserialization ======================================= In WebApi_, :code:`ToParam` and :code:`FromParam` are the typeclasses responsible for serializing and deserializing data. Serialization and deserialization for your data types are automatically take care of if they have generic instances without you having to write anything. You still have to derive them though. Lets look at an example :: data LatLng = LatLng { lat :: Double , lng :: Double } deriving Generic To let WebApi_ automatically deserialize this type, we just need to give an empty instance declaration :: instance FromParam 'QueryParam LatLng And to serialize a type (in case you are writing a client), you can give a similar :code:`ToParam` instance. :: instance ToParam 'QueryParam LatLng Nested Types ------------ If you use :code:`Generic` instance for nested types, they will be serialized with a dot notation. :: data UserData = UserData { age :: Int , address :: Text , name :: Text , location :: LatLng } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) Here the location field would be serialized as :code:`` and :code:`location.lng` Writing Custom instances ------------------------ Sometimes you may want to serialize/deserialize the data to a custom format. You can easily do this by writing a custom instance of :code:`ToParam` and :code:`FromParam`. Lets declare a datatype and try to write :code:`ToParam` and :code:`FromParam` instances for those. :: data Location = Location { loc :: LatLng } deriving Generic data LatLng = LatLng { lat :: Double , lng :: Double } deriving Generic Lets say we want to deserialize query parameter :code:`loc=10,20` to :code:`Location` where :code:`10` and :code:`20` are values of :code:`lat` and :code:`lng` respectively. We can write a :code:`FromParam` instance for this as follows: :: instance FromParam 'QueryParam Location where fromParam pt key trie = case lookupParam pt key trie of Just (Just par) -> case splitOnComma par of Just (lt, lg) -> case (LatLng <$> decodeParam lt <*> decodeParam lg) of Just ll -> Validation $ Right (Location ll) _ -> Validation $ Left [ParseErr key "Unable to cast to LatLng"] Nothing -> Validation $ Left [ParseErr key "Unable to cast to LatLng"] Just Nothing -> Validation $ Left [ParseErr key "Value not found"] _ -> Validation $ Left [NotFound key] where splitOnComma :: ByteString -> Maybe (ByteString, ByteString) splitOnComma x = let (a, b) = C.break (== ',') x -- Data.ByteString.Char8 imported as C in if (BS.null a) || (BS.null b) -- Data.ByteString imported as BS then Nothing else Just (a, b) :code:`fromParam` takes a :code:`Proxy` of our type (here, :code:`Location`), a key (:code:`ByteString`) and a :code:`Trie`. :code:`WebApi` uses :code:`Trie` to store the parsed data while deserialization. :code:`fromParam` returns a value of type :code:`Validation` which is a wrapper over :code:`Either` type carrying the parsed result. We use :code:`lookupParam` function for looking up the key (:code:`loc`). If the key matches, it'll return :code:`Just` with the value of the key (in our case :code:`10,20`). Now we split this value into a tuple using :code:`splitOnComma` and make a value of type :code:`LatLng` using these. Similarly, a :code:`ToParam` instance for :code:`Location` can be written as: :: instance ToParam 'QueryParam Location where toParam pt pfx (Location (LatLng lt lg)) = [("loc", Just $ encodeParam lt <> "," <> encodeParam lg)] Here we take a value of type :code:`Location` and convert it into a key-value pair. :code:`WebApi` uses this key-value pair to form the query string. This example only included :code:`QueryParam` but this can be easily extended to other param types. Content Types ------------- You can tell WebApi_ about the content-type of :code:`ApiOut/ApiErr` using :code:`ContentTypes`. :: instance ApiContract MyApiService POST User where type FormParam POST User = UserData type ApiOut POST User = UserToken type ContentTypes POST User = '[JSON] By default :code:`ContentTypes` is set to :code:`JSON`. That means you need to give :code:`ToJSON` instances for the types associated with :code:`ApiOut/ApiErr` while writing server side component and :code:`FromJSON` instances while writing client side version. Apart from :code:`JSON` you can give other types such as :code:`HTML`, :code:`PlainText` etc. You can see a complete list :wahackage:`here` .. _WebApi: